There’s a line from the film Braveheart where William Wallace asks the anxious and fleeing army a question;
“What will you do with your freedom? Will you fight?“
They answer “Fight? Against that? Naw, we will run…and we will live!“
He responds by saying “Aye, fight and you may die, run and you may live, AT LEAST A WHILE.”
‘At least a while!’ Is this not true for us all if we refuse to address and overcome the problems, difficulties and challenges we face?
Not facing them will result in the regret of wasted potential and years, and that feeling of things being ok for “at least a while” but ultimately, we end up experiencing the tragedy of a defeated life as we realise the truth that “ALL MEN DIE, BUT NOT ALL MEN REALLY LIVE.”
So my friend, ‘What will you do with your freedom? Will you fight?’
• Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
• Are you discouraged, depressed or defeated in life?
• Have you come to feel helpless in the face of your problems?
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