Highlights from April - September 2023

24th – 26th March


Some of our leadership team spent a couple of days at the  Sannox Christian Centre in Arran to regroup and plan ahead for the next part of the year. 

May – July 


New ‘Fighting to Win’ podcast series recorded. We were very blessed to have Martin King and Jim Gibson join us throughout this series. Derek also got to share on this theme at the Broken Chain’s Recovery retreat in June and also with the guys up there in the Haven Rehab in Kilmalcolm. 

11th – 14th May

Some of the team were down at the Lake District taking part in the Deeper Retreat with John & Stasi Eldredge and the Wild at Heart team. A tremendous time was had by all. We’re deeply grateful for the input and generosity they’ve shown our team. Check out their tremendous ministry at:


12th June

Derek was in Garnock Community Campus speaking to the P5’s and P7’s about Self Care as part of the Campus’s Health Week. 

July – October 


Produced a New podcast series around ‘Entering Into Rest.’ 

Jesus invites us to; “Come to Him, all of us who’re overworked, weary  and are heavy laden, and He will give us rest.”

We delve into this topic and search for light that leads to life and rest for our hearts and minds. 

24th – 28th July


We held a men’s bootcamp up in Auchenfoyle Camp, Kilmalcom. It was a first in that all the attendees were experiencing it for the first time and we also had 4 bootcamp baptisms afterwards in the river running through the camp. 

1st August

Some of the men from the Bootcamp met for a chinese in Lychee in Glasgow. A fun night and great food.

11th September 


Speaking to guys up at the Haven Rehabilitation Centre about the Unforced Rhythms of Grace. 

16th September 

Went up to the Praise Gathering in the Usher Hall, Edinburgh. What a night of worship it was. 

21st Sept 


Derek starts his final year of HND Counselling and Martin moves into year 2 of his HNC. Keep up the good work lads 🙂 

Desting HND 2

Our Freedom Fighter podcast has had 1094 listens from April – Sept from 37 different countries.


Our counsellors and recovery worker are currently working 1-1 with over 20 individuals each week who receive deeper 1-1 counselling and recovery support.


We run 3 Keys to Freedom men’s groups per week, support one for the women and have two other men’s support groups running.